Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Value Chain Engineering System for Retailers - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theValue Chain Engineering System for Retailers. Answer: Introduction: The overall assignment mainly aims in evaluating the different ranges of customer complaints that is imposed by whole sales, retailers, and end users. In addition, the overall complaints that are imposed by the customers could directly be identified from relevant excel valuation. The overall excel calculation could directly help in identifying the numerous customer complaints that is received by CSR. Relevant analysis of the customer complaints is conducted in the assignment, which could directly help in finding out the problems and come up with relevant solutions. Refer to excel file Identifying the overall problem definition The overall problems that are identified from the evaluation of the data are mainly depicted as follows. Complaint types Count of Complaint ID Delivery 233 Wrong Quantity 136 Lost In Transit 127 Wrong Product 118 Packaging 36 Poor Response 33 Damaged 18 Quality of workmanship 8 Invoice Error 7 Other 3 Grand Total 719 The above table mainly depicts the relevant problems in terms of complaints that is been conducted by customers of the company. In addition, the overall count in complaints that is identified from the above table is delivery, wrong quantity and lost in transition could be identified from the complaints conducted by customers. Therefore, the overall identified complaints are mainly hampering the overall productivity and profitability of the company. The overall delivery, wrong quantity and lost in transition is mainly identified, as three problems in terms of complaint types, product family, and customer and CSR staff. The overall reason behind the cause of these problems is mainly depicted as follows. Non- monitoring: The relevant factors, which could directly increase the chance of problems is identified from the evaluation of complaints. The non monitoring process is mainly conducted by the organisation, which is directly increasing problems of wrong quantity in the delivered parcel. This is mainly conducted due to the non monitoring process that is currently being deployed by the organisation. The use of adequate non monitoring process could have allowed the organisation to check the overall package before dispatching it for delivery (Christopher and Fernando 2015). Wrong medium of delivery service: The overall delivery service that is used by the organisation is relevantly not adequate, as it is directly increasing the customer complaints. The maximum customer complaints are mainly on the delivery that is conducted by the organisation. In addition, the third largest complaint is coming from the Lost in transit when products are in the delivery process. Both the problems are directing towards the weak delivery process that is used by the organisation for completing it sales transactions. Therefore, relevant changes in the delivery process would eventually help in reducing the customer complaints and increasing trust of the customers for the services provided by the organisation (Ramesh, Baul and Srinivasan 2016). Suggestion and solution They are identified problems of the overall supply chain of the organisation could mainly be reduced by implementing adequate supply chain management system. The supply chain management system would eventually help in improving the relevant services of the organisation which are depicted as follows. Distribution strategy Warehouse design project management Computer simulation Technical seminars Operational commissioning Computer system Operation analysis and design material handling Operational improvements Distribution management The identified measures that could be used in the overall supply chain management system could eventually help the organisation to minimise the problems affecting customer relationship. In addition, the supply chain management system could also help in adequately minimising all the relevant problems that is identified from the complaint lodged by customers. This could eventually allow the organisation to increase customer relationship, which in turn could increase brand loyalty. The identified DC process such as Inbound or receiving (DC/warehouse inbound), Put away and operations, Warehouse Layout, Outbound or dispatch (DC/warehouse outbound), Warehouse Staffs, Machines (Forklifts, pallet Jack, etc.), Equipment could directly be improved by implementing the suggested supply chain management system. The relevant supply chain management system could eventually allow the organisation to reduce the customer complaint and improve its service quality. Ahi and Searcy (2013) mentioned that u se of adequate supply chain management system could eventually allow organisation to manage its inventory and dispatch of products to its customer. In this context, Christopher (2016) further stated that supply chain management system also allows the organisation to plan for its inventory and use advanced technology for confirming all orders before dispatch. Conclusion: The assignment mainly helps in identifying the relevant problems that is hindering progress of the organisation. The identified customer complaints depict the relevant problem that is faced by the organisation, which is mainly directing towards its inadequate inventory system. However, the latest supply chain management system is mainly been recommended for the organisation, which could help in controlling is inventory and eventually supporting the delivery and dispatch process of the organisation. From the evaluation of the Complaints maximum of the customers main complaint was about the delivery process that was being used by the organisation. This mainly helped in identifying loopholes in its supply chain analysis. Reference and Bibliography: Ahi, P. and Searcy, C., 2013. A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management.Journal of Cleaner Production,52, pp.329-341. 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