Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Physical Security Essay Example

Physical Security Essay Physical Security Name: Institution: Physical Security We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Security specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Security specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Security specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Chapter 5 1. The main purpose of this chapter is to examine how people can design their environment as a way of preventing crime. The author provides different strategies that people can use in environmental design in order to help prevent and reduce crime. Design strategies such as defining the borders in a controlled space, providing transitional zones that are clearly marked, and using natural barriers in re-designating space are some of the environmental design strategies that people can use. 2. The key question at the heart of the chapter is how the environmental design can enhance security while preventing crime. 3. The most important information in this chapter is the identification of good and poor design use of some areas such as pedestrian areas and down streets, pedestrian malls, plazas, parking lots and offices. Through this, the author has been able to address the importance of distinguishing between normal and abnormal users of space, and how people can implement design to ensure that more normal users are able to use it. 4. The main inferences in this chapter are that people can use different combinations of environmental design strategies to ensure that they have maximized their security. People are aware of many of the design strategies used in the prevention of crime. However, they need to analyze their environments more to find better usage of these strategies and ways of ensuring that they are able to maximize the available resources in the environment for the purposes of preventing crime. 5. The key concepts we need to understand in this chapter are abnormal users, normal users, space, and environmental design 6. The main assumption underlying the author’s thinking is that organizations understand their objectives in trying to enhance security and prevent crime. The author assumes that this is so because he emphasizes that the purpose of the planners involved in crime prevention through environmental design is to meet the objectives of the organization and not to concentrate on security and crime matters only, thus helping to prevent crime in the end 7a. If people take seriously what this author is saying, some important implications are that they will be more concerned with planning different facilities before they start construction, that they will use their environment to their advantage in matters related to crime prevention, and that they will seek better ways of using land and other environmental resources. 7b. If we fail to accept what the author is saying, some important implications are that people will continue building without a clear direction and without proper realization of the importance of the environment and that people will continue focusing on aesthetics when designing, at the cost of security and functionality. Questions Raised Has the increase in cities and towns, in terms of the buildings that have been set up contributed to an increase in crime? Is there any relationship between neglect of the environment and increase in crime rates of a particular area? In what way can the physical environment act n enhancing security? Chapter 14 1. The main purpose of this chapter is to highlight how technology has helped in improving security in different areas. The authors focus on the use of CCTV, noting that many people and organizations have come to accept it, and they have installed it in different areas, and this has contributed to a decrease in the crime rates. Improved technology has led to the improvement of digital video, which can be used for security purposes. 2. The key question at the heart of the chapter is how the development and advancement of technology has contributed to better security and the different forms of technology that are used to enhance security. 3. The most important information in this chapter is technology is important in crime prevention and security enhancement. 4. The main inferences in this chapter are technology is important in helping to improve security, and people should be more willing to accept and adopt the different technologies developed so that they can reduce crime 5. The key concepts we need to understand in this chapter are CCTV, digital, analog, 6. The main assumption underlying the author’s thinking is that people can afford the mentioned technologies, and that they have the technical knowledge needed to use the technology to improve security. 7a. If people take seriously what this author is saying, some important implications are people will be willing to learn more about technology, and they will accept the use of different digital technologies in enhancing security and innovators will become more creative as they seek to reduce the disadvantages of the existing technologies and create new technologies, which will be more effective in deterring crime 7b. If we fail to accept what the author is saying, some important implications are that people will continue opposing the use of CCTV as they will be more concerned with their right to privacy, and that they will continue using traditional methods of crime prevention, which have often time proved inefficient and ineffective Questions Raised Does the use of CCTV and other digital technologies for security purposes really enhance security, or is it a way of invading people’s privacy and personal space? If the use of CCTV is so effective, why do institutions continue reporting incidences of crime, especially theft, even with the obvious knowledge of technological securities available? With technology advancing so rapidly, is there any need to be concerned with taking up any security measures, is it not just a waste of the company’s resources?

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