Saturday, October 5, 2019

Entrepreneur Interview and Personal Analysis Essay

Entrepreneur Interview and Personal Analysis - Essay Example He asserted that his job as a waiter was well paid, yet he took the bold step of fulfilling his desire to venture in to the business. Ardichvili et al. (2003) observes that if there were no self confident entrepreneurs to venture in to new businesses, then there would be no business at all. Pro-active and Self Motivated Being pro-active and self motivated was among the significant traits that contributed to the success of the entrepreneur in business. Being decisive than other people made it possible to make a choice regarding the suitability of the site for a business. Such entrepreneurs act quickly to take advantage of an emerging opportunity before anyone else (Burns, 2011). Laggards usually wait for others to establish businesses so that they can observe their success or failure to make a decision. The interviewee demonstrated determination to succeed in business despite the challenges it posed to personal life such as lack of time to think about marrying. Intrinsically motivated people usually derive satisfaction from what they do (Pink 2009). Intrinsic motivation was the significant driver to accomplish entrepreneurial goals making the entrepreneur happy and contented regardless of these challenges. He was determined to work more hours than he did at that particular time. Learning through Actions Learning in this investment has been as a result of actions whereby the outcome of the activities engaged in is the source of essential information for greater investments. For example, the interviewee asserts that he was not sure what to expect in the business. Nevertheless, the idea of operating in a unique manner was expected to augment efforts of attracting customers especially due to the fact that there were no similar shops offering a variety of services as the interviewee’s shop. According to Littunen (2000) creativity is significant in marketing since it helps in generating the right market mix to serve the desires of a wide range of customer deman ds. This business not only offers food and drinks but also a variety of other goods and services such as entertainment through music and live coverage of significant sporting events that attract customers. Visionary and Flair According to Burns (2011), â€Å"In order to succeed, entrepreneurs need to have a clear vision of what they want to achieve† (p 41). The interviewee demonstrated that he was visionary and flair through his efforts of promoting a shared objective among his employees and rallying them to support him in his efforts. They contributed ideas that influenced strategic decisions that enhanced the success of business. The employees were motivated to be part of the business and portrayed dedication to their work. His charismatic leadership was significant in encouraging people to work as a team. Charismatic leadership is significant in attracting followers. The leader has a characteristic allure and elegance, which are admired by subordinates. The Charismatic lea der possesses self-belief and gathers followers through dint of personality and charm, rather than any form of extrinsic motivation or use of authority (Sosik, 2000). As Greenleaf & Spears (2002) observe, charismatic leaders are encouraging to their subordinates and try to pay attention to all their needs as well as making each person to feel important through appreciation of his/her contribution. Timing in the establishment of the business is a significant factor that led to its success. It was

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