Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analyzing homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing homosexuality - Essay Example Homosexuality is an attraction or behavior of sexual nature that exists between same-sex or same-gender members (Jones and Mark 89). In other words, homosexuality denotes a sexually driven interest between men and other men or women and other women. Given this interest is sexual in nature; there is an aspect of romance to account for. This makes same-sex members attracted to one another, with or without the objective of establishing committed relationships. In terms of behavior, homosexuality is presented as a personal or social behavior that encompasses romantic or sexual relations and interactions between same-sex or same-gender members. What this means is that such a behavior lacks the common opposite sex interests that define heterosexuality. In the behavioral context, homosexual men are referred to as gays, while women are referred to as lesbians. Through homosexual behavior, gays and lesbians identify themselves as a community within the larger society. Over and above the attraction or behavioral factor, homosexuality is a form of identity. Gays and lesbians derive personal, gender, or social identity from homosexual practices (Mondimore 104). In this respect, there is an aspect of gender or sexual orientation. At a personal level, the attraction or behavior of being homosexual builds a person’s identity. When romance and sexuality are factored in, gender and sexual identity appear. Same-sex orientation, therefore, provides that which these people identify with. Homosexual is also a lifestyle, but not a psychological disorder. Scientific studies have pursued homosexuality intensively and extensively (Summers 132). contrary to the notion held by many people, homosexuality has little, if any, to do with psychological processes. However, those who identify with it choose this type of lifestyle. Even as a lifestyle, homosexuality emanates from sex and gender. Majority of the people who declare their sexual orientation publicly contend that they

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