Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business structure and regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business structure and regulation - Essay Example People as individuals also help in making an organization achieve its goals, self-motivated people and people who can work with each other as a team are preferred employees of the companies, with employees having exceptional skills long term relationship between company and employee will be achieved facilitating both employee and company (Sklar& Bongiovanni, 2000).  . Loyalty and honesty should be the key factors of an employee should have for his/her organization. Moreover to gain expertness in the work; there is a continuous need of hard work and knowledge building. Work processes is manufacturing of product/products or in some cases providing services, major operations of an organization are measured according to principles defined by governing body and monitored by laws made for companies by authorities (Mintzberg et al, 2010). Terms like quality control and customer feedback are commonly used terms when talking about significance of work process and overall quality of organiza tion. There are some international standards also set by organizations consisting of guidelines from documentation to production. ISO 9001 is a documentation standard. ISO 14000 is an environmental standard to be achieved by industries all over the world (International Organization For Standardization, 2013). Last one culture of organization refers to the environment in which there is a healthier atmosphere for the work of employees. Security of moral and ethical values, discrimination on the basis of sex, religion and race are a great challenge for managers of organizations. Day care center for the children of working women, maternity leave and work load on women are also create debates. Guidelines provided by WHO (World Health Organization) and UNESCO (United Nations Economic and Social Corporation) provide guidelines for organizations both public and private in this regard (UN 2013). There is a great difference between public and private sector organizations. Public organizations are more employee friendly as compared to private ones regarding issues of job safety and moral protection. Given case that is of Skull Brewery Ltd, products of company are real-ale products. Decisions were made by Janes and later Nina also joined by investing â‚ ¬ 50,000 in the company. Both are directors of Skull Brewery Ltd. The constitution or set of laws defined for proper functioning of the partnership between Nina which owns 30% of shares and Janes owner of remaining 70% bound Janes to offer rest her shares for sale to Nina at first and other major law is that Nina is director of company for life. Janes on the other hand wants to sell her shares to a third party. Janes has also informed Nina, Microbrewers the party which wants to buy Jane’s shares also intends to remove Nina as director of company. From organizational structure view problem is occurring at the first step that is leadership of organization resulting in disturbance in overall organization, as both le aders are not agreed on the point of selling shares. Nina requires legal help over the entire situation that is created in order to stop her business loss. Before 2009 companies were bounded to have two constitutional documents that would provide all the basic legal information about the company known as Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA). MOA

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Contract Essay Example for Free

Social Contract Essay Discuss the view that morality is a social contract (30 marks) Jean-Jacques Rousseau said Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains and what he is trying to show is that a social contract is binding on the members of a society, everywhere he is bound to be moral. The sources and reasons for the upholding morality (that is what is right and what is wrong) has been questioned since the days of Plato and one answer was given by Thomas Hobbes a contractarian answer. A contractarian believes that human beings are self-interested and it would be rational for him to co-operate with others. Hobbes developed this view by making us aware of the (imagined) state of nature in Leviathan (1651) in which people were present before any form of social cohesion and organisation. Hobbes asserts that at this time, everyone would look out for their self-interest but this would involved a great deal of hostility and an inability to do things out of fear (a humans self-interest could be to steal from you and thus cause you fear). Life would be a torment; war of all against all is how Hobbes puts it. The solution to this is cooperating between people. The implication of this is that there is no morality independent of what people in any given society think. There are however problems with this namely historically there has never been any contract. If we looking historically, we have made agreements (be it the Fourth Geneva Convention or the Magna Carta) but there has never been a collective social moral contract. Humans appear to be innately social. Indeed, it is not even just humans ants appear to work in colonies. Further, a contract would only be understood by a social being. As a result of there being no contract (factually), it would seem to make the idea redundant for if I havent signed anything, why should I be obligated? Although we can object and say that Hobbes isnt saying that people sat around and signed a codified document rather what he is suggesting is that if we were to imagine the state of nature to be the case, it would justified for us to accept such a contract hence giving a justification for us to be moral (as well as the existence of societies). However, there seems to remain one problem. By saying that societies develop morality and that there is no morality independent of this, it leaves us with the problem of cultural relativism. For it would be right in a society to kill all the enemies if thats what society determines, in the case of the Nazis it would be the Jews, yet seldom do we find someone who would actually call this moral and not demand action be taken. We could however say that the contract applies universally and that we have not reached the signing. Yet this is not what the contract is saying, for even if we were to accept that rules applied universally is the contractarian approach really telling us about morality? No! Even if something benefits me that may not the reason why I do it and definitely not the reason it is moral. An absolutist would say that rules are moral in themselves, regardless of the time or society in which they agreed. Locke develops the idea that there need be no actual agreement by saying that it is a tactic agreement. This means that a person who seeks to reap the benefits of society implicitly agrees to social contract and if I dont then I am free to leave. However am I really free to leave? It would not seem so. To leave, I would most likely have to leave this would not only mean having a passport to go to a different country, which would have its own set of rules but meaning that to get to the airport I would have to abide by the road rules lest I wish to be arrested. Even if Hobbes is correct in saying that there is no actual contract, we are left with why should we honour the agreement? Indeed, if we are self-interested as Hobbes says then surely when the time came, we would act in a self-interest way? This view can be illustrated by Ian McEwans Enduring Love; there is a hot air balloon and in the basket lays a child there is a sudden gust and the balloon starts it flight. Five men grab onto the rope of the balloon, alas there is another gust and if all five men carry on holding on then the child will be saved. This did not happen. All but one, were left clinging on to the rope. Whats even more so apparent is that if I am sure that I will get away with doing something immoral, why shouldnt I do it? If I knew I wasnt going to be caught stealing money then it would be in my self-interest to steal it. Hobbes answer to the aforementioned question is a Sovereign. This means that there is someone to enforce the law (the terms of the contract). By doing this, it would show that when acting against the contract and giving primacy to self-interest, it would not be in our long term self-interest to do so. However this still doesnt answer the question as to why someone who knows they will not get caught should be moral. Indeed, there are many people who are criminals and it is only found out after they have died. Also, there seems to be a different argument put forward by David Gauthier who argues that to there is no need for a sovereign because those of us who have dispositions to altruism, will in the long term have more benefits than those who are shot-sightedly self-interested. This view is strong in the sense that it shows that human beings are genuinely altruistic with a purpose of doing so and thus not having an over pessimistic view of humans (thus the lesser need for a sovereign). There are further problems with the social contract approach. When a terrorist has a hostage, he can use the hostage to dictate the terms of an agreement. This means that despite this being unfair, or even immoral, he can ask for however million pounds and for him to be pardoned of his act. This is obviously immoral and wrong. This situation is analogous to the state of nature period and someone strong dictating the terms which are not moral such as making all children workers. Furthermore, we could take the view of Marx and Thrasymacus (from Platos Republic) who say that the social contract is a means of social control by the minority. This means that the powerful and rich peoples interests can be carried out under the veil of morality. An example is the respect for property which, by no coincidence, is what the ruling class have. This means that the weak can be exploited and the rulers can maintain their position. We can criticise Marx for not taking into account that people do not steal because they do not want to offend the ruling class but this is not what Marx is trying to say. Indeed, what he is saying is that this is the correct reason why people do not do such things and through instruments such as religion and education (throughout history) they have been taught these rules and regulations. However John Rawls argues in his Theory of Justice that to counter this, we must decide the terms under a veil of ignorance in which nobody is certain for their position and so everyone will be fighting for minority rights in case they are within that minority; nothing is assured! If we posit Hobbes view as truth then we also find ourselves holding a pessimistic view of life for we have ample opportunity to break the rules of the contract yet we do not. If we were to hold Hobbes view societies would long be over because we could no longer trust people because they would take such selfish actions. To say that people dont mug each other in fear of being caught is not plausible. Surely the actions of a mother or a carer in the slums seem to show that we do not act just for self-interest. Further, is Hobbes really giving an accurate account of morality? We can indeed have a contract but is the only reason we do not break it because we fear the courts? Surely this isnt morality but a preference of prudence in an action but this view does not correlate with what we express. If someone were to say Stealing is wrong, they do not mean that it is better if you dont because it is more sensible, they mean it is a morally irreprehensible action. Hobbes view is also put under fire by alternative views, Richard Dawkins argues that altruistic behaviour can lead to evolutionary success and is thus embedded in our genes. There was never a conventional agreement rather because it is mutually advantage behaviour helps our evolutionary success, humans do it. So it is not because it is mutually advantageous that we choose to do it but we do it because it is advantageous and has helped us reach this stage. This, of course, is not the only alternative view others view moral as what the Bible says or even the Quran. We could even take the utilitarian approach and say that what is moral is the thing that obtains the greatest number of peoples happiness. To take this view is, as said, to ignore every instance of altruism. However what about blatant acts of altruism? The egoist could say that subconsciously we gain self-gratification from doing right things. However, again, it does not follow that I am doing these things because I want self-gratification. In the case of Mother Teresa, it is not plausible that she only did those things because she wanted self-satisfaction. As the egoist claims that everything is in some way selfish, it negate the idea of selfish and selfless as it distorts the distinction and leaves nothing but motives which is not a direct accurate description of the world. Thus to conclude, to hold the view that morality is defined, described and prescribed by a social contract ultimately fails. Alternative ideas not only, in some cases, have scientific backing but also have a more accurate representation of the real world. The view is both pessimistic and would lead to the powerful being on top and the weak being exploited. Thus we must conclude as Hume did and say that there is not historically validity (among other things) to this claim.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Obesity in Australia :: Health, Diseases

Obesity is becoming a major health problem in developing countries like Australia, North America, Europe and other developing nations. The Australian Diabetes, obesity and life style study (AUSDIAB) predicts the changes in glucose indices; health behaviour and incidence of diabetes in 5 year follow up experiments among 5842 participants (Barr et al., 2007). This study suggests that a large number of Australians suffered mortality due to cardiovascular diseases associated with abnormal glucose metabolism every year. The Framingham Heart Study revealed that hypertension, diabetes and left ventricular remodelling lead to the development of congestive heart failure (Levy et al., 1996). The Framingham Heart Study also found that a 5% increase in weight increases the chance of hypertension by 30% over a four-year period of time. An increased sympathetic activity, impaired renin-angiotensin system, retention of fluid volume, peripheral vasoconstriction, dyslipidaemia, increased blood visco sity due to the increased haematocrit and fibrinogen may increase pressure overload on heart in obesity (Schunkert, 2002). Several studies also suggest that the cause of hypertension itself may contribute to left ventricular hypertrophy in obese individuals as the increase of BMI increases the chance of hypertension (De Simone et al., 1994; Avelar et al., 2007). High dietary fat intake increases the expression of angiotensin IB(AT1B) and Endothelin A (ETA) receptors (Neilsen et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005). Plasma concentrations of angiotensin II and endothelin 1 (physiological vasoconstrictor agents) were increased in both obese patients and animal models (Barton et al., 2000; Neilsen et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005). Recent studies have shown that reduced synthesis of nitric oxide (NO; a major vasodilator) from L-arginine in endothelial cells is a major factor contributing to the impaired action of insulin in the vasculature of obese and diabetic subjects. Obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. Growing evidence suggests that arginine plays an important role in regulating metabolism of energy substrates in mammals (Frank et al. 2007; Jobgen et al. 2006). NO is synthesized from L-arginine by NO synthase. As a signalling molecule, physiological levels of NO stimulate glucose uptake, as well as glucose and fatty-acid oxidation in skeletal muscle, heart, liver, and adipose tissues (Jobgen et al. 2006). Nitric oxide also inhibits the synthesis of glucose, glycogen and lipid in liver and adipose tissues and enhances lipolysis in subcutaneous adipocytes (Jobgen et al. Obesity in Australia :: Health, Diseases Obesity is becoming a major health problem in developing countries like Australia, North America, Europe and other developing nations. The Australian Diabetes, obesity and life style study (AUSDIAB) predicts the changes in glucose indices; health behaviour and incidence of diabetes in 5 year follow up experiments among 5842 participants (Barr et al., 2007). This study suggests that a large number of Australians suffered mortality due to cardiovascular diseases associated with abnormal glucose metabolism every year. The Framingham Heart Study revealed that hypertension, diabetes and left ventricular remodelling lead to the development of congestive heart failure (Levy et al., 1996). The Framingham Heart Study also found that a 5% increase in weight increases the chance of hypertension by 30% over a four-year period of time. An increased sympathetic activity, impaired renin-angiotensin system, retention of fluid volume, peripheral vasoconstriction, dyslipidaemia, increased blood visco sity due to the increased haematocrit and fibrinogen may increase pressure overload on heart in obesity (Schunkert, 2002). Several studies also suggest that the cause of hypertension itself may contribute to left ventricular hypertrophy in obese individuals as the increase of BMI increases the chance of hypertension (De Simone et al., 1994; Avelar et al., 2007). High dietary fat intake increases the expression of angiotensin IB(AT1B) and Endothelin A (ETA) receptors (Neilsen et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005). Plasma concentrations of angiotensin II and endothelin 1 (physiological vasoconstrictor agents) were increased in both obese patients and animal models (Barton et al., 2000; Neilsen et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005). Recent studies have shown that reduced synthesis of nitric oxide (NO; a major vasodilator) from L-arginine in endothelial cells is a major factor contributing to the impaired action of insulin in the vasculature of obese and diabetic subjects. Obesity results from an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. Growing evidence suggests that arginine plays an important role in regulating metabolism of energy substrates in mammals (Frank et al. 2007; Jobgen et al. 2006). NO is synthesized from L-arginine by NO synthase. As a signalling molecule, physiological levels of NO stimulate glucose uptake, as well as glucose and fatty-acid oxidation in skeletal muscle, heart, liver, and adipose tissues (Jobgen et al. 2006). Nitric oxide also inhibits the synthesis of glucose, glycogen and lipid in liver and adipose tissues and enhances lipolysis in subcutaneous adipocytes (Jobgen et al.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Case Analysis #2

Rongsheng Yuan MGMT250 Hector Martinez Case analysis#2 03/27/13 Amelia Rogers, the account director for Tassani Communication, worked with the Marketing director, Guy Johnson. Johnson informed her that Dave Burns, the creative director had phoned him to discuss the direction of the â€Å"Rust No More Muffler† project. The problem is if Amelia need to take up the situation with Jim Paglia, the COO of Tassani Communications. Rogers, Burns and Johnson worked on a variety of ideas for the â€Å"Rost No More† project. They met to review the work several times to make suggestions of feasibility of the project.Burns was satisfied with the sketch and believed that the work could be improved smoothly. However, Johnson’s boss had some queries about their ideas. Johnson asked Rogers and Burns to start working on another layout. There are four objectives that explain the reasons why Burns tried to phone Johnson several times even if he was not supposed to do so. First of all , Burns’ role was to give the creatives’ ideas to the clients and account management people. He need to communicate the creatives’ version in a convincing way. As a creative director, Burns should make the client to think the creatives’ more groundbreaking ideas.It was his task to talk with his clients in terms of their interests. In order to make his work successfully, he had to meet his client frequently to make sure all the requirements were included and meet. Burn was a responsible director who cared about the ideas of his clients and the quality of the project. Secondly, Burns was not able to accept clients’ opinions when they do not agree with him. However, Burn did not consider his stubbornness as a weakness even if he was aware of a fault. In his opinion, if he disagreed with someone, he was free to not agree and give out his thoughts.His point of view was true, but he often did not understand situations well. As Rogers mentioned in the cas e, Dave loved to be shared with backgrounds. Since Dave needed to learn the detailed instruction of the project, he would question If he was not informed. It was understandable that Burns should be informed of the requirements of assignments, but his phone calls were overwhelming to Johnson if he questioned too often. Thirdly, Amelia did not have industry-specific experience, and she did not have good relationship with colleagues in TC, so the project and the conflicts might be a huge challenge for her.Even the COO Paglia encouraged her to ask questions and was willing to help if she had any concerns. When Rogers, Burns and Johnson worked on the assignment, it was Rogers’ role to be the mediator of Burns and Johnson. According to the case, the colleagues of TC demonstrated that Rogers provided best products by creating conflicts. She only cared about the relationship with her clients and did manage to get achievements. However, she did not get along with her colleagues well d ue to her arrogant manners.Since Amelia lacked the industry-specific experience and good relationship with colleagues, she got frustrated with the assignment naturally. The fourth objective is that Johnson’s boss doubted their layout. During the development of their project, Rogers, Burns and Johnson met to review the layout twice. They design a postcard with an illustration of a muffler, but they got a lukewarm reception from Johnson’s boss. As a result, John advised Rogers to get a illustrated sample of the layout. According to the case, Johnson’s boss seemed to be unsatisfied with their idea or give any suggestions to them.Burns might be concerned about the ideas and quality of their assignment, so he phoned Johnson twice to make sure what his boss needed. To solve all of these potential problems, there are four alternative solutions make sense to me. Firstly, I believed that Amelia should ask Paglia for help due to her lack of experience. Since Burns was a s tubborn person who was overwhelming when he disagreed with others, Paglia, as his superior, could ask him not to phone Johnson frequently. However, it was Burns role to talk with clients about their assignment.Burns did not do anything wrong but was eager to know Johnson’s opinions. As a result, Amelia showed that she was not capable of handling the problems herself. Meanwhile, Burns might care her to worsen their relationship by contacting COO directly. The second solution is to talk with Burns face to face. According to Amelia, she would explain backgrounds to Burns when doing their project. Burns might understand this situation if Amelia’s explanation were convincing. However, in the case, Burns did not pick up her calls, which implied that he might not want to communicate with her.Even if Amelia had the chance to talk to him, his strong opinions would not be changed easily. The third solution is to ask Johnson’s boss for direct advice about their layout. The ir problem was from Johnson’s boss because of his unconvincing attitude. Their project would move forward successfully once they got the clear instruction from the boss. However, employees of TC were not expected to communicate directly with clients unless they meet tactical issue. However, Johnson was frustrated with their layout. He did not get good feedbacks from his boss.As for Burns, he would stop making phone calls to Johnson once they had the detailed requirements from the boss. The fourth solution is to have a group meeting to discuss their plan of the assignment. As they reviewed the layout, they should also speak out their point of view. Since Burns had many questions about their project, Johnson should explain their background and requirement to him clearly. Meanwhile, Johnson was also unfamiliar with his boss’ idea, so he needed to indicate that he did not want to further discuss the project after the meeting.As for Burns, he should think alone about his id eas toward the assignment before group meeting. However, this solution would only solve their internal conflict but would not help their assignment move on because they lacked the detailed instruction of the layout. We can choose the best solution by compute the total scores of the solutions that meet the objetives. Problem | Objectives| | Solutions| | | Burns phoned Johnson twice to talk about the project but Johnson refused Burns phoned Johnson twice to talk about the project but Johnson refused | 1.Burns’ task to talk with clients. | | 1. ask Paglia for help| | | | 2. Burns insisted on talking with Johnson. | | 2. talk to Burns| | | | 3. Rogers lacked of experience| | 3. Talk to Johnson’s boss| | | | 4. Johnson’s boss was not convinced | | 4. group meeting| | | Objectives | Objective 1| Objective 2| Objective 3| Objective 4| Total | Rank in importance| | | | | | Solution1| 3| 4| 3| 1| 11| Solution2| 1| 3| 2| 1| 7| Solution3| 3| 4| 1| 5| 13| Solution4| 4| 3| 2 | 1| 9| From the table, to talk with Johnson’s boss is the best solution which meet most of the objectives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Life development Essay

The aim of this research is to explore a married couple’s real life experiences and the possible influences that affect their life development. A qualitative thematic analysis was carried out on pre-existing material of three semi-structured interviews and a video. Two main themes were identified : Various Influences and Changeable. This analysis showed support for some research done regarding Erikson’s development stages, Peck’s contribution on later life, developmental contextualism and Bronfenbrenner’s theory. The findings suggest that life development is multi-facet. A reflexive analysis reviews some limitation on this analysis and recommendations are also made. INTRODUCTION Lifespan development is the one among different psychological perspectives. Psychologists are of different views on human development. Some of them split human development into different stages, some of them focus on the people’s later development, some are optimistic but some not, and some opined that our development are deterministic but also some do not think so. Erik Erikson has developed a theory named as Psychosocial in which he stated that there would be eight development stages from birth to later adulthood within our life. (Cooper & Roth, 2002). The theory emphasised that our development is a product of the interaction between the society and individual; and our parents seems to play a key role in our early life. Erikson argued that everyone must develop throughout these eight stages. While treating later life as a relative stable period, Erikson neglect the room of change during the middle and old stages, to cope with this difficulty, Peck further subdivided these two stages into sub-stages. For middle age, Peck consider that we should acknowledge our loss of physical strength while also appreciate our gaining of wisdom, the main task within these stage is to redefine one’s personality and personal relationship. Besides, individual should shift their emotional attachment to both the vertical and horizontal relationship, i. e. the death of parents and friendship (Cooper & Roth, 2002). For old age, in order to cater the crisis of retirement, Peck argued that individual need to seek other meaningful activities, thus accepted by themselves that they are continually contribute to and valued by the society. Other approach on lifespan development is named as developmental contextualism. It emphasised that development of an individual cannot be seen as an isolated manner, rather, there are internal (e. g. physical fitness) and external (e. g. cultural and social) factors that influences one’s development. These factors are referred as a level of explanation by psychologists, they comprise different variables, for instances, interpersonal influence, cultural influence, historical influence and etc. These variables would interact and change each other at the same or a different level of explanation which is known as dynamic interactionism. (Cooper & Roth, 2002) In contrast to developmental contextualism, Bronfenbrenner is of different view. He argued that individuals are capable to determine their own development rather than simply constrained by internal and external influences. In his ‘ecological’ theory of development, he suggested that individuals are actively interact with his or her environment during their development. According to the theory, it divided individual physical environment into four parts, i. e. micosystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem as well. The microsystem refers to one’s immediate environment, includes social, symbolic and physical characteristics, e. g. personality, healths, values and expectations. The mesosystem describes two or more microsystems inhabited by the same person, e. g. family, work and marriage. Links that take place between two or more settings involving the individual is known as the exosystem, i. e. our community. The macrosystem illustrates the patterns of the aforesaid systems that characterize any given culture or society structures. (Cooper & Roth, 2002) In view of the above approaches, it seems that human development are encompassed by different stages, with internal and external influences; and individuals are with ability to actively change it during the process of development. The purpose of this qualitative research is to see how a couple, Tony and Jo experienced their life and what influence to their development indeed. METHOD Three semi-structured interviews were conducted of a (an aging) couple, Tony and Jo. There is no information on the exact ages of the stakeholders, including the interviewees and the three interviewers. For teaching purposes, the process of the interviews were videotaped with the interviewees’ consent. The interviews touch topics of identity, separation and attachment and lifespan development. The first interview was conducted by a female researcher Jane who knew that couple for several years. A male researcher has conducted the second interview who knew none about that couple. The last interviewer was a female who asked them about their experiences on the first two interviews. The research was adopted analysing pre-existing materials. It assumed that the Open University of United Kingdom (OUUK) adhered strictly to the British psychological code of ethics such as obtaining informed written consent, addressing issues around confidentiality, protection of participant’s identities, permission to withdraw at any time and sufficient debriefing. (Miell, Phoenix & Thomas, 2002). I am a Chinese male, a part-time psychology student (36 years of age) of the Open University of Hong Kong, and carried out a qualitative thematic analysis on transcripts and video provided by the OUUK. (see Appendix for the full annotated transcripts and an extracted video of the three interviews is also attached) The lifespan development research topic and question were selected and supplied by the OUUK (DSE 212, Method Booklet 5, pages 60 and 61). Familiarization of material was done by reading Chapter 1 in Book 2 (Cooper & Roth, 2002). The next stage of the analysis involved my reading the transcripts several times – noting significant points related to my chosen research topic. I then identified recurrent themes from the transcripts. Two main themes were identified and the data was condensed under these themes. This was achieved by photocopying the transcripts and highlighting each bit of the dialogue relating to the themes in different colour pens. Only the first two interviews were used in this research.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Borges And I

The theme in Borges’ Borges and I is double personality. Throughout the work Borges seems to be describing himself as a normal person and as his true self, the writer. He has a problem with this other man who he describes. In the end Borges lets him self-go and shows us the writer. In the beginning of the poem Borges gives us insight into what he likes then wittingly states, â€Å"the other man shows these likes† This means that he possibly sees himself as two different people that like the same things. He then says â€Å"but in a showy way that turns them into stagy mannerisms† that is implying that he maybe has a problem with this other man. In the middle of the writing Borges tells us how he â€Å"lets myself live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems† meaning Borges the normal person is letting his desire for being a writer free. Towards the end of the work Borges is completely writing out of the view of himself, the writer. He ends the work with â€Å"which of us is writing this page I don’t know† that is clearly a comment of his ability of writing in another person. Borges could possibly have a mild case of schizophrenia, which actually enhances his writing.... Free Essays on Borges And I Free Essays on Borges And I The theme in Borges’ Borges and I is double personality. Throughout the work Borges seems to be describing himself as a normal person and as his true self, the writer. He has a problem with this other man who he describes. In the end Borges lets him self-go and shows us the writer. In the beginning of the poem Borges gives us insight into what he likes then wittingly states, â€Å"the other man shows these likes† This means that he possibly sees himself as two different people that like the same things. He then says â€Å"but in a showy way that turns them into stagy mannerisms† that is implying that he maybe has a problem with this other man. In the middle of the writing Borges tells us how he â€Å"lets myself live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems† meaning Borges the normal person is letting his desire for being a writer free. Towards the end of the work Borges is completely writing out of the view of himself, the writer. He ends the work with â€Å"which of us is writing this page I don’t know† that is clearly a comment of his ability of writing in another person. Borges could possibly have a mild case of schizophrenia, which actually enhances his writing....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Make Invisible Ink Using Lemon Juice

Make Invisible Ink Using Lemon Juice Use this easy recipe to make invisible ink. It only takes a few minutes to complete!  Lemon juice is acidic and weakens paper. When  paper  is heated, the remaining acid turns the writing  brown before discoloring the paper. Ingredients You only need a few simple materials to make invisible ink: Lemon or Lemon JuiceSunlight or Heat SourcePaperPaintbrush or Stick How to Make Invisible Ink Squeeze lemons to obtain their juice or obtain bottled lemon juice.Use the juice as ink by applying it to a stick or paintbrush and writing on paper.Allow the paper to dry.When you are ready to read your invisible message, hold the paper up to sunlight, a light bulb (recommended), or another heat source.The heat will cause the writing to darken to a pale brown, so your message can now be read.Another way to read the message is to put salt on the drying ink. After a minute, wipe the salt off and color over the paper with a wax crayon to reveal the message. Useful Tips Experiment with other juices. White wine, orange juice, vinegar, and apple juice all work well, too.A cotton swab makes an excellent disposable paintbrush.The writing turns brown because the weakened paper burns before the rest of the paper. Be careful not to overdo your heating and ignite the paper!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

French Subjunctive - Le Subjonctif

French Subjunctive - Le Subjonctif French Subjunctive - Le subjonctif Students of French tend to agree that the subjunctive is the most difficult French verb form, which is why I have over a dozen pages of lessons and info on the French subjunctive to help you learn all about it. While this is good for your French learning, it can make it more difficult for you to find the lesson you need - here is a simple index that can help. Definitions Subjunctive  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Verb mood  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Verb tense Subjunctive Conjugations Regular verbs  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Irregular verbs Subjunctive Usage Using the subjunctiveSpecial uses of the subjunctiveAvoiding the subjunctiveDoes ___ need the subjunctive? Ask the Subjunctivator! Subjunctive Tenses Present subjunctivePast subjunctiveImperfect subjunctivePluperfect subjunctiveFuture subjunctiveVerb timeline Subjunctive Tests Regular verb conjugationsIrregular verb conjugationsSubjunctive or indicative?Translation exerciseTest on the past subjunctive

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Evaluate the extend to which Altman's Z Score and Argenti's A Score Essay

Evaluate the extend to which Altman's Z Score and Argenti's A Score become useful to different groups in the society and also comment on the extend to which the - Essay Example Ratio between 1.8 and 3.0 are considered in the gray area of the scale, the closer it gets to the 1.8 barrier the greater the risk of the company going bankrupt. The Z Score model which was created by Edward Altman in the 1960s is pretty accurate in real world application the model was able to successfully predict 72% of corporate bankruptcies two years prior to the companies filing for chapter 7 (Investopedia, 2008). The Altman Z Score tool integrates know financial ratios into the equation whose utilization in the equation give the predictor credibility among the financial industry users. Professor Altman used the Z-score tool he created to develop a model differentiating companies with high probabilities of bankruptcy from companies that are not prone to this type of hazard. Altman’s Z Score determines the likelihood of bankruptcy by utilizing five metrics commonly used by financial analyst to determine five particular financial ratios. The data to the financial ratios is directly extracted from the financial statements of a company. The five variables composed of financial ratios that make up the formula are illustrated below: The metrics involved in the formula are derived from the Income Statement and Balance Sheet financial statements of a company. The tool is both applicable to financial statements of manufacturing and non-manufacturing corporations. The Z-score model substitutes the book value of equity (owner equity) for market value in X and thus it can be used to evaluate privately and publicly held firms on an equal basis (EPA, 2000) The Altman’s Z score is a useful tool for the banking industry. Banks have to make decision on the credit worthiness of corporation in order to determine if a company is eligible for bank loans, credit lines or vehicle financing among others. By utilizing the Z Score tool the bank would know that if a company scores in the low 2 the enterprise is high risk type endeavor.

Dissertation Weekly Progress Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dissertation Weekly Progress Report - Coursework Example The article by Pairavinta & Saebo (2008) explained on how a form of e-governance, the electronic voting system, had supported democracy in 1970 in the US in an â€Å"electronic town hall meeting†. I spent 3 hours reading on Oman’s e-government systems. After having 2 hours of wild goose chase, I landed on material detailing Oman’s progress towards e-governance. The article â€Å"Use and Impact of ICT on SMEs in Oman† by Ashrafi and Murtaza (2008) from Emerald database gave me a relief as it was spot on. This article details the country’s investment in ICT infrastructure and the developments made thus far in establishing e-government systems in Oman. I spent 4 hours writing up the introduction to chapter 1, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. I feel the information covered in these sections is satisfactory but I will evaluate the content covered when I compile the report. I spent the next 6 hours formulating and writing up sections 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. I knew the research questions determined the direction of the whole project and I took my time in framing these questions. Moreover, I observed great detail in formulating my objectives to ensure complete objectivity, and this part consumed a third of the time. Finally, I wrote up the sections to complete chapter 1. I spent 3 hours reading on various applications of e-government systems. I obtain two articles, â€Å"International Technical Standards for e-Government† by Borra (2004) from Emerald database; and the other, â€Å"Critical Factors in the Adoption and Diffusion of E-government Initiatives in Oman† by Alshihi (2006) from Victoria university database. Borras (2004, pp. 75 – 76), and AlShihi (2006, pp. 8 – 15) articles explain the various transactions that governments engage. They explain that Transactions for e-government may take the form of citizen-to-government (C2G), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-employee (G2E) or government-to-government (G2G) transactions. Al

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reactions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reactions - Assignment Example Its current liabilities have witnessed unsteady change, increasing between 2009 and 2011 and decreasing steadily between 2012 and 2013. Both the shareholders equity and borrowings have been at acceptable levels. This company is economically stable and growing upwards. This is the company that has been advocating for standards of media communication that observes certain values and principles of integrity, liberty and voluntary press. The financial muscles of this Santa Ana based communication company have grown over the years. It has seen a steady growth in terms of the profits accrued over the period of five years from 2009 to 2013. This has seen the marginal profit go to figures above 12 million US dollars. Its long term obligations have also decreased with huge little marginal figures between 2009 and 2013 to an amount of 11 billion US dollars. The rate of recuperation for this company is admirable and it’s one of the fastest growing companies. This company is one of the major modern publishers in the rapidly growing economy of China. The company operates mostly on the cultural publications. It operates on academic material and referencing tools with Chinese dictionaries like the Xhinua dictionary. This company has grown in revenue with 2005 figures amounting to about 540 Yuan. The company has also realized profits of over 50 million Yuan over the period of time form 2005. The company majors in reference book publishing which contribute over 60% of the profit. I think the production strategy should be changed as the company relies majorly on the production of reference books. This can be disastrous for the company if returns in this area of business go down. It should therefore distribute the publications evenly across all the products it offers for more security. This is a television network providing company with numerous TV channels

The Chinese Maze Murders, Feudalism, Chinese Universities in the Assignment

The Chinese Maze Murders, Feudalism, Chinese Universities in the Middle Ages - Assignment Example The implication of the statement is that a person might receive different treatment according to the family background that they come from. The death penalty is very common in this society, and it seems to be performed as a public spectacle. As it turns out, Yoo Kee is ultimately killed with a knife and then sliced to pieces in front of a watching crowd (Van Gulik 305). Another surprising aspect of life in the time of Judge Dee is that it is quite acceptable for men to have three or four wives, and these seem to be organized in a strict hierarchy, with a â€Å"First Lady† who is in charge, and the others following after with lower rank. There is clearly a lot of competition and resentment within families because of this, and it may be that many of the crimes committed out of love are caused by this situation. There must have been many younger men who could not find a legal partner because the women are all taken by older, richer and more powerful men. The marriages are also ar ranged for political or financial reasons, and this makes it very difficult, especially for the women, who have no choice in the matches made for them. I would not like to live in this society because of the high level of violence that existed, both from criminals, and from government officials, and because of the very strict separation between different gender roles. The contrast between Dark Orchid and her sister White Orchid illustrates this point perfectly: Dark Orchid is criticized because she is â€Å"headstrong† and â€Å"should have been born a boy† while her sister is praised for being â€Å"quiet and obedient† and having â€Å" a soft, pliable character† (Van Gulik 135). The ideal woman just does what she is told, while any girl with a mind of her own is seen as less attractive.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION - Essay Example In the seventeenth century, England witnessed some modifications in the unfree labour where unfree labour was measured as a universal legal shape of consensual manual labour. Labour agreements were restricted by various punishments in the English law which if violated were followed by imprisonment. Masters held the right to imprison their workers until they were willing to complete the service contract (indentured servitude) or return to their employers for the time period they had agreed upon (slavery). These agreements initiated the major disparities between indentured servitude and slavery on the basis of two things: contractual agreement and time period (Murrin, 121). It was the English law that was imitated by the early American colonies and applied restrictions on departure not only to servants and apprentices but also to labourers and artificers. In the seventeenth century, English and American law acknowledged the significance of unfree labour and declared free labour as a self conscious set of legal and social practices, therefore the concept of unfree labour was alleviated. Critics claim the English law to be responsible for initiating unfree labour since it embedded concepts about liberty, labour, religious church teachings, gender specificity and observations of other European New World colonies, into the New World. Authors believe that Europe followed the roots of enslavement of Africans for practical reasons, and adapt the initial origins of slavery in Europe (Miller, 99). However, it was the abolishment of slavery in 1833 in the British commonwealth that stands out as a truly stunning change (Murrin, 98). The Slavery Abolition Act 1833 transformed Britain and its colonies. It laid the groundwork for human rights and human dignity. People could no longer be treated as property. It could be said that this act also tolled the death knell for the British Empire. It was impossible to keep unchained

Health Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Critique - Essay Example Practically, when a nurse is attending to a patient, proper communication relationship will influence 100% patient audience and awareness concerning the health issue. The nurse will be able to influence the positive attitude of the patient towards the health issue hence the patient gets motivated and hope for quick recovery. According to Dahlgren and Whitehead’s 1991 model, it is evident that sociological factors broadly affect and determine the health practice of an individual. According to the model, there are various factors that influence individual health which as socially related. The model broadly and clearly describes social-ecological theories towards proper health practice (Whitehead and Dahlgren, 2005). The main objective of the model is to map-out possibilities of the relationship between an individual, their environment, and diseases (Whitehead and Dalhgren, 2005). In relation to the video, it is evident that personal behavior and way of living is a major factor affecting the health of the patient. Poor personal behavior and bad choice of a peer is one of the greater social determinants towards proper health practices. In reality, most people fall victim to health issues due to a poor social relationship. For example, the choice to smoke is a personal decision that can be triggered by poor choices of friends. Peer influence is a major determinant of health in a society. This is because it is known that many people fall victim to serious health issues; for example drug abuse due to bad peer choice. On the other hand, societies with responsible peer groups do face fewer health issues that are socially unacceptable.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION - Essay Example In the seventeenth century, England witnessed some modifications in the unfree labour where unfree labour was measured as a universal legal shape of consensual manual labour. Labour agreements were restricted by various punishments in the English law which if violated were followed by imprisonment. Masters held the right to imprison their workers until they were willing to complete the service contract (indentured servitude) or return to their employers for the time period they had agreed upon (slavery). These agreements initiated the major disparities between indentured servitude and slavery on the basis of two things: contractual agreement and time period (Murrin, 121). It was the English law that was imitated by the early American colonies and applied restrictions on departure not only to servants and apprentices but also to labourers and artificers. In the seventeenth century, English and American law acknowledged the significance of unfree labour and declared free labour as a self conscious set of legal and social practices, therefore the concept of unfree labour was alleviated. Critics claim the English law to be responsible for initiating unfree labour since it embedded concepts about liberty, labour, religious church teachings, gender specificity and observations of other European New World colonies, into the New World. Authors believe that Europe followed the roots of enslavement of Africans for practical reasons, and adapt the initial origins of slavery in Europe (Miller, 99). However, it was the abolishment of slavery in 1833 in the British commonwealth that stands out as a truly stunning change (Murrin, 98). The Slavery Abolition Act 1833 transformed Britain and its colonies. It laid the groundwork for human rights and human dignity. People could no longer be treated as property. It could be said that this act also tolled the death knell for the British Empire. It was impossible to keep unchained

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analyzing homosexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analyzing homosexuality - Essay Example Homosexuality is an attraction or behavior of sexual nature that exists between same-sex or same-gender members (Jones and Mark 89). In other words, homosexuality denotes a sexually driven interest between men and other men or women and other women. Given this interest is sexual in nature; there is an aspect of romance to account for. This makes same-sex members attracted to one another, with or without the objective of establishing committed relationships. In terms of behavior, homosexuality is presented as a personal or social behavior that encompasses romantic or sexual relations and interactions between same-sex or same-gender members. What this means is that such a behavior lacks the common opposite sex interests that define heterosexuality. In the behavioral context, homosexual men are referred to as gays, while women are referred to as lesbians. Through homosexual behavior, gays and lesbians identify themselves as a community within the larger society. Over and above the attraction or behavioral factor, homosexuality is a form of identity. Gays and lesbians derive personal, gender, or social identity from homosexual practices (Mondimore 104). In this respect, there is an aspect of gender or sexual orientation. At a personal level, the attraction or behavior of being homosexual builds a person’s identity. When romance and sexuality are factored in, gender and sexual identity appear. Same-sex orientation, therefore, provides that which these people identify with. Homosexual is also a lifestyle, but not a psychological disorder. Scientific studies have pursued homosexuality intensively and extensively (Summers 132). contrary to the notion held by many people, homosexuality has little, if any, to do with psychological processes. However, those who identify with it choose this type of lifestyle. Even as a lifestyle, homosexuality emanates from sex and gender. Majority of the people who declare their sexual orientation publicly contend that they

Monday, October 14, 2019

Roles of Culture in Organizations Essay Example for Free

Roles of Culture in Organizations Essay Whats the role of culture in modern corporations and how can it be managed effectively? People in every workplace talk about organizational culture and that mysterious word that characterizes a work environment. One of the key questions and assessments, when employers interview a prospective employee, explores whether the candidate is a good cultural fit. Culture is difficult to define, but you generally know when you have found an employee who appears to fit your culture. He just feels right. Culture is the environment that surrounds you at work all of the time. Culture is a powerful element that shapes your work enjoyment, your work relationships, and your work processes. But, culture is something that you cannot actually see, except through its physical manifestations in your work place. There are so many different definitions of culture in the past by many scholars in the past. The variety of meaning is so diverse that it is impossible to offer any value as a research topic. Culture seeks to describe those facets of human experience that contribute the differences and similarities in how people perceive and engage with their world. We define organizational culture as a set of shared, often implicit assumptions, beliefs, values and sense-making procedures that influences and guides the behavior and thinking of organizational members, and continuously enacted and in turn reinforced –or changed- by the behavior of organizational members. Our definitions is fully compatible three characteristics universally seen as central to the concept of culture: (a) it emerges during the adaptive interaction between people and their environment, and therefore it will change when these interactions change; (b) it is by necessity constituted only of shared, intersubjective elements; and (c) it is transmitted to members across time periods and changing member cohorts or generations. In many ways, culture is like personality. In a person, the personality is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, interests, experiences, upbringing, and habits that create a person’s behavior. Culture is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a group of people. Culture is the behavior that results when a group arrives at a set of rules (generally unspoken and unwritten) for working together. An organization’s culture is made up of all of the life experiences each employee brings to the organization. Culture is especially influenced by the organization’s founder, executives, and other managerial staff because of their role in decision making and strategic direction. Edger Schein’s (1985) three levels of culture: artifacts, values and assumptions. For Schein, the essence of culture is located at the level of basic assumptions which reflect how members of culture experience reality, how they perceive the physical and social world, and how they think and feel. These assumptions are taken for granted, and rarely questioned. A culture’s assumptions provide the basis for and interact with values –Schein’s next level of culture. Values are the social norms, principles, standards and objectives that are valued by cultural members for their intrinsic worth. Values are accessible because they are revealed by behavior and priorities. Cultural values often indicate what is seen as morally right and wrong in a particular context. Even though values remain subconscious, members are more aware of them than of their underlying cultural assumptions. In particular, members become aware of their values when they are challenged during times of change or when someone violates conventions. Values are linked to artifacts, Schein’s third cultural level, in that values-congruous behaviors express and manifest the cultural values and assumptions located at the other levels. This can happen through deliberate expressive actions, through unintended expressive actions, or through other actions that manifest cultural assumptions and values. Anything observable linked to behavior can be seen as artifacts including objects, verbal expressions and activities. But how culture effect on organizations? The culture of a country or region in which the organizations function influences the way of motivating employees. In some countries, such as Japan, giving an individual reward to an employee could embarrass the recipient and so be de-motivating. In high-context collective cultures, there are often expected norms of behavior for particular situations. Offering rewards for individual behavior that runs counter to group norms is unlikely to have a positive influence on motivation. In some countries, the perception of material items is as gifts rather than as rewards for performance. In China, for example, organizations often distribute food to all employees as holiday gifts. People in higher position positions get more or better quality items, but employees make no connection between their performance and the gifts. People in different cultures communicate among themselves differently. The major differences in how people from different cultures communicate with each other are language usage, verbal style, and nonverbal communication. Two people may speak the same language but speak it quite differently. Verbal communication styles are another way for cultures to vary in their communication patterns. In cultures employing a direct style, the speaker tries to convey his true feelings through the choice of words. In the indirect style, the speaker selects words to hide his real feelings. The direct style is common in individualistic, low-context cultures, and the indirect style in collective, high-context cultures. The direct style allows the individualist to express his own ideas clearly. The collective orientation is to maintain group harmony and concern for the feelings of others. There is a number of effects of culture on organization and making a diverse multi-cultural organization must be a great challenge to the managers, but there are also advantages of managing organizational culture. There are seven characteristics of culture which can help managers to manage the culture more effectively. ( ) †¢ Culture = Behavior. Culture is a word used to describe the behaviors that represent the general operating norms in your environment. Culture is not usually defined as good or bad, although aspects of your culture likely support your progress and success and other aspects impede your progress. A norm of accountability will help make your organization successful. A norm of spectacular customer service will sell your products and engage your employees. Tolerating poor performance or exhibiting a lack of discipline to maintain established processes and systems will interrupt your success. †¢ Culture is learned. People learn to perform certain behaviors through either the rewards or negative consequences that follow their behavior. When a behavior is rewarded, it is repeated and the association eventually becomes part of the culture. A simple praise from an executive for work performed in a particular manner molds the culture. †¢ Culture is learned Through Interaction. Employees learn culture by interacting with other employees. Most behaviors and rewards in organizations involve other employees. An applicant experiences a sense of your culture, and his or her fit within your culture, during the interview process. An initial opinion of your culture can be formed as early as the first phone call from the Human Resources department. †¢ Sub-cultures Form through Rewards. Employees have many different wants and needs. Sometimes employees value rewards that are not associated with the behaviors desired by managers for the overall company. This is often how subcultures are formed, as people get social rewards from coworkers or have their most important needs met in their departments or project teams. †¢ People Shape the Culture. Personalities and experiences of employees create the culture of an organization. For example, if most of the people in an organization are very outgoing, the culture is likely to be open and sociable. If many artifacts showing the company’s history and values are in evidence throughout the company, people value their history and culture. If negativity about supervision and the company is widespread and complained about by employees, a culture of negativity, that is difficult to overcome, will take hold. †¢ Culture is negotiated. One person cannot create a culture alone. Employees must try to change the direction, the work environment, the way of work is performed, or the manner in which decisions are made within the general norms of the workplace. Culture change is a process of give and take by all members of an organization. Formalizing strategic direction, systems development, and establishing measurements must be owned by the group responsible for them. Otherwise, employees will not own them. †¢ Culture is Difficult to Change. Culture change requires people to change their behaviors. It is often difficult for people to unlearn their old way of doing things, and to start performing the new behaviors consistently. Persistence, discipline, employee involvement, kindness and understanding, organization development work, and training can assist you to change a culture. Your work culture is often interpreted differently by diverse employees. Other events in people’s lives affect how they act and interact at work too. Although an organization has a common culture, each person may see that culture from a different perspective. Additionally, your employees’ individual work experiences, departments, and teams may view the culture differently. Your culture may be strong or weak. When your work culture is strong, most people in the group agree on the culture. When your work culture is weak, people do not agree on the culture. Sometimes a weak organizational culture can be the result of many subcultures, or the shared values, assumptions, and behaviors of a subset of the organization. For example, the culture of your company as a whole might be weak and very difficult to characterize because there are so many subcultures. Each department or work cell may have its own culture. Within departments, the staff and managers may each have their own culture. Ideally, organizational culture supports a positive, productive environment. Happy employees are not necessarily productive employees. Productive employees are not necessarily happy employees. It is important to find aspects of the culture that will support each of these qualities for your employees. Managers must know well how to manage the organization’s culture and have to explore many aspects of organizational culture and cultural change to make organization more effective and productive. The concept of culture will become useful for the managers to make successful and productive organization by managing culture effectively. Managing culture is very much concerned with leadership of a manager. Culture is a difficult to define concept and is capable of being misinterpreted by managers who must attempt to make use of it in their work activities. A range of definitions were explored, as were number of facets of both organizational and national culture relevant to the human experience of work. New employees must be effectively integrated into the organization if they are to become productive members. It is not possible to manage every person all the time that they are at work. Internalization of responsibility and knowledge of requirements must be delegated if effective management is to be achieved. Culture is able to offer a meaningful way of accounting for many related phenomena. However, the notion of culture, particularly a strong culture, however attractive, provides a conflict-free way for managers to ensure harmony and the achievement of objectives, is simplistic and does not reflect experience. Culture is a problematic concept because it is difficult to define in precise terms. It is an easy term to recognize in that it is relatively obvious how organizations differ. When visiting an organization, a ‘feeling’ becomes apparent which provides a general indication of the culture. For example, one organization might feel busy with a buzz of activity and a feeling of purpose; while another might feel relaxed with a feeling of calmness in the approach to work. It is important for managers to study other cultures also because their competitors, suppliers, shareholders, or employees may come from other cultures. In developed countries there is also an increasing number of immigrants and workers bringing their own cultures into their new homes. Managers have to be able to integrate them into the new work environment. Hence, it is necessary for managers to know their culture as well as to understand their way of life. References i. â€Å"Organizational behavior management, by John Martin fellenz.† Publisher â€Å"South- Western† ii. â€Å"Organizational behavior-an experiential approach, by Joyce S, David A, Irwin M, and Marlene E.† Publisher â€Å"Pearson† iii. iv. v. vi.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ascension Of Jesus Christ Theology Religion Essay

Ascension Of Jesus Christ Theology Religion Essay The resurrection and ascension of Jesus has remained a mystery to my belief. There has never been a reoccurrence in my life time and throughout history. People tend to wonder how a man who was really dead and was buried can come back to life. The burials that take place in our communities result in the decomposition of the body. In areas, like Malawi villages, where technology is not advanced burials are immediate. A delay in burial for about two to three days in a village set up without the cooling system makes the body starts to decay. Therefore, it is a hard thing to believe that a person came back to life on a third day. The idea is even complicated when it is said that the resurrected person went up to heaven. In secondary school we learn the laws of gravity. If you throw something up it falls back. It is a fact that people do not fly because they have no wings. This paper wishes to establish why Christians believe in the physical resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Establishin g the reality of resurrection and ascension of Jesus will strength believe and resolve the mystery. Summary of Grudems Views Grudem (2000) asserted that when Jesus came back to life from the dead his body was in physical form. He stated that Jesus experience was different from that of Lazarus as it is recorded in the book of John. He affirmed that Lazarus resurrection was subject of physical developments which lead to aging and death. According to him Jesus resurrection is not subject of biological development, (Grudem, 2000). Contrary to Harris views (as cited by Grudem 2000) Grudem (2000) refuted the fact that Jesus resurrected body had spiritual aspects which enabled him not to observe physical laws. Harris argued that Jesus spiritual body enabled him to pass through the wall and perform instant appearances and disappearances. Grudem affirmed that the New Testament does not seem to assert that. He argued that when Jesus resurrected his body was physical because he could eat, prepare breakfast and be seen. He quoted Jesus himself in Luke 24:39 confirming his physical being by telling his disciples, see my hands and my feet that it is I myself; handle me and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see I have,(Grudem, 2000, p. 613). Grudem (2000) insisted that Jesus could not have deceived the disciples. He stated that if Jesus had wanted to prove that he had a spiritual body he could have clearly demonstrated it to his followers. In line with this, he stated that the disciples could have clearly recorded it to give evidence for his spiritual body. He also argued that when Jesus ascended to heaven the angels confirmed about his physical state by telling those who witnessed his departure that he will come back in the same physical state he went to heaven. He stated that Jesus resurrected body set precedence to the kind of state which people would acquire in the next life, (Grudem, 2000). Grudem (2000) stated that the resurrection empowered the believers of Jesus. He pointed out that Jesus promised his followers the power of the Holy Spirit only after the resurrection. He argued that the believers were given the ability to overcome sin in their lives and effectively serve him. He made reference to Pauls message that God made us right with him through the resurrection, (2000). In regard to the ascension of Jesus Grudem (2000) affirmed that it is an indication that he went somewhere to a place. He argued that there should be a place called heaven where Jesus went in his physical body. He stated that even though we do not see where he went it does not nullify the fact that there is heaven. He said that just as angels are invisible although they are around us so too is heaven. He cites an example of Elisha as recorded in the Old Testament that when God sent him the chariots of soldiers his servant could not see them. He said that our eyes cannot locate heaven but Jesus went up and Elijah too went there. He considers Jesus ascension vital because it is a sign that we too shall ascend to heaven. He confirmed this with Jesuss promise that there is a lot of place in heaven and we too shall go where he has gone, (Grudem, 2000). Leading Views In his book The Case for Christ: A Journalists Personal Investigation of the Evidence to Jesus, Strobel (1998) supported the reality of Jesus death and resurrection based on interviews with experts in medicine and history. He established that Jesus really died according to the doctor. The doctor said that Jesus could not have survived the trauma and the harsh treatment. He argued that the high degree of stress that Jesus experienced made his body tender. He added that in this state when he was subjected to severe Roman whipping his body had severe tears and loss of blood. He stated that this disapproved those who claim that the resurrection was just resuscitation. In his interview the historian argued that there was no way the soldiers could have walked free without punishment. He argued that considering the kind of punishment which was in practice for such an office what the high priests and the Roman officials did revealed a foul play. He confirmed it with reliable documentary that Jesus resurrected. He stated that Jesus showed himself too at different times to many people and the largest group was 5000 people, (Strobel, 1998). Mcdowell (1981) and Lutzer (1994) supported the historical resurrection of Jesus. They argued that historical evidence like the Dead Sea scrolls and history from historians like Josephus proved that Jesus really resurrected. They said these validate the historical reliability of the New Testament which also has the shortest gap between its copies and the originals. They highlighted the reluctance showed by the high priests and the Roman officials to punish the tomb guards. They said that the guards action to have supposedly allowed the escape of criminal or robbery of the body was a serious case punishable by death. (Mcdowell, 1981 and Lutzer, 1994). Interestingly enough, Mcdowell (1981) in agreement with Grudem, reported that Jesus resurrection was physical not spiritual. He refuted the claim that Jesus body decayed and came back to life a spiritual being. He argued that Jesus physically appeared before many people both hostile and friendly. He affirmed that these could have refuted the reports as they were written while most of them were still alive. He stated that both hostile and supporting community validated the accuracy of the New Testament report, (Mcdowell, 1981). Alternative Views Humel (1975) and Kaufman (1968) argued that Jesus did not resurrect but the disciples had visions and hallucinations. Hemel stated that the disciples experienced the aftermaths of the dilemma of losing Jesus. He argued that they resolved the dilemma by the imagination of a ghost so they hallucinated due to their memories of Jesus. While Kaufman argued that the disciples experienced public visions about Jesus in his Jesus came back to life in a spiritual body. They both argued that the resurrection was the explanation of the believers experiences not the reality of events, (Humel, 1975 and Kaufman, 1968). Harris (1990) partially agreed with them as he argued that Jesus rose into a spiritual body that could materialize for some time to be seen. He stated that Jesus body did not observe the physical barriers like walls for a building. He concluded that the fact that Jesus could be found standing instantly amidst the people it indicated that he was a spirit (Harris, 1990). Crossam (as recorded by Boyd, 1984) asserted that as Jesus was killed like a criminal he was buried in a shallow mass grave according to the custom of the day. He argued that wild dogs usually ate the bodies so Jesus body was also eaten. He stated that Jesus followers had no idea where he was buried and what came of his body. He concluded that since Jesus was their hero they decided to portray a victorious end of his life by inventing characters life Joseph of Arimathea and the resurrection, (Boyd, 1984). Personal Views Jesus really resurrected into a physical body as verified by scriptures. I agree with the views of physical resurrection because of the reliability of scripture. The scripture recorded Jesus himself in Luke 24:39 saying see my hands and my feet that it is I myself; handle me and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see I have. Therefore, if Jesus himself confirmed his physical resurrection and the scripture recorded it then it is historically validated that he had physical resurrection. The fact that Jesus appeared to a large numbers of people verifies his physical body. I disagree with Humel (1975) and Kaufman (1968) who argues that the followers of Jesus either saw visions or hallucinated respectively. It is difficult to believe if visions or hallucinations can be experienced by a group at the same time about the same thing. This is impossible. Spiritual experiences are personal. As a result there was no way for instance, the 11 disciples or the 5000 people could see the vision or hallucinate about Jesus at the same time. The gospels recorded that the ascension took place in the presence of his disciples and other people. In line with this, it can be argued that Jesus was physically present with them on the day of the ascension. Acts 1:11recorded the two angels message to those who witnessed the ascension. They said that Jesus will come back from heaven the way he has gone. I agree with Strobel (1998) who is a journalist by profession. His interview with the medical personnel revealed how impossible it was for Jesus to fake his death as some claim. The spear through his heart could definitely finish him if he had faked it or just fainted. Strobel gives us a scientific explanation of the reality about the death of Jesus. For those who rely on history he also verified Jesus death, resurrection and ascension based on the historical events. Therefore, even if one does not believe in the bible he can base his trust on the evidence of the medical and historical information available. These experts help us to clear the doubt whether Jesus died and resurrected or he just fainted and was resuscitated. It has to be noted that the community in which Jesus lived not everyone agreed or supported him. There were other people who wanted his down fall. These people could have really tried to refute the substantial claims made by his followers. The silence of the then hostile community reveals the validity of the claims of the believers. In support of Mcdowells (1981) and Lutzers (1994) suspicion I agree with them. If a very serious crime is committed no one is willing to cover it unless there is some benefit in doing so. Therefore, it puzzles me too to hear that in such a serious and sensitive mistake made by the guards the high priests who were the interested party never reacted. The Roman officials too decided to overlook their laws. It is surprising that somebody would chose to cover up an enemy. This clearly shows that Jesus was raised. They could not disprove it by producing a body. I understand that they could afford to fabricate a lie. Conclusion The resurrection of Jesus is the essence of the Christian faith while ascension gives us hope. If there would have been no resurrection there would have been no basis for Christianity. In line with this those who are hostile to Christianity will always try to find something to fault Christianity. Opposition will always be there but a Christian should have a reason for his or her belief. If someone tells you that Jesus body was rotten or eaten by wild dogs there should be an explanation to your stand. As our teacher Professor Stauffcher always say that we should have a reason why we believe what we believe so that we can answer when critics confront us. Ascension gives us hope for the promised heaven. In John 14:1-4 Jesus said that there are many rooms in heaven. He tells us that if there was no place he would not have bothered to tell us. Therefore, ascension gives us hope that one day we will also ascend to heaven and be with Jesus and the Father.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hamlet: The Dog Will Have His Day :: essays research papers

"The Dog will have his Day" When fear overcomes individuals, it acts like a "poison"; it paralyses them, which forces them to escape. In the play, Hamlet, Shakespeare reveals how it is human nature for people to run and hide from a quandary. Hamlet being burdened with the sins of Denmark tries to find a proper escape that will not force him to take decisive action. To Shakespeare the desire for escape is an unpredictable one. Eventually fate has its way; a person can try to avoid it but it will eventually devour you. All too often when the jaws of fate open, people set up complications to stumble over so they don't have to face the belly of the beast. This allows them to start fabricating excuses for their apparent lack of action. Ostensibly, Hamlet "seems" to be a man of power and heart. Yet under all the ranks and nobility, he is nothing more than a coward that can not accept the idea of his fate. When Hamlet is given the role of vigilante he "swears" that he is man enough for the job. However when Hamlet does not kill Claudius outright, he begins to lose his vigor. The prince suspiciously admits that he is "mad" and uses it as an excuse to keep prolonging the inevitable fate that he must face. By toppling over this hurdle, Hamlet tries to find reasons why he does not have the tenacity for revenge. Running from the jaws of fate, Hamlet continually defies his solemn oath to his father. Even though a person tries to avoid the beast, they don't understand that it dominates their life. It is in places where they would least expect it. In Hamlet's case this problem is something that he can not just simply avoid; not only does it dominate his life but it starts to take over his conscious state like a "poison". He is constantly reminded of the molestation that his incestuous uncle has just inflicted on Denmark. For a sinful King is the same as a sinful country and someone must save the nation's people from those transgressions. Yet Hamlet does not want to acknowledge that he is the savior. Nevertheless fate continually shows Hamlet through coincidental instances that he must do what he "swore" to do. While in the Church, Hamlet looks over while in the confession box and sees Claudius confessing his sins to God.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hefty Hardware Essay

After reading Hefty hardware case study, I came up with the following analysis for this case: It is very clear that there is communication issues between the business and IT, there is no connection between the IT department and other business departments. To build good relationship between the IT Department and the Business department, the four foundation blocks needed, Competence, credibility, interpersonal interaction, and trust, which all are not considered between the departments. (McKeen & Smith, 2012). The business manager feels that the IT don’t have the enough competence for finding solution for solving business problems. And this is normal because the IT do not have the enough knowledge about Hefty Hardware business process and goals. The very important block in building good relationship between the IT and business department which is the interpersonal interaction is not available and usually the meetings getting failed because the IT people don’t understand the business talk and not ready to understand, also the business managers do not understand the technical talk when the IT start explaining the technical aspects of the solution. Hefty Hardware do not has solid foundation and good relationship between the IT and the Business department, and this issue became the main problem that Hefty should deal with it to make sure that the current and future projects will success. Also it is important that the IT department spend the enough time to explain their plan to support the business functions and make sure that they will work to achieve the organization goals. There is no information sharing between the departments or even between the executives because of the lack of communication. Information sharing will help in reach common goal which will help the organization to be more efficient and productive. Mr. Vogel suggestion was very good to have two from IT and business department travel together as this will improve the relationship between the two departments and make better understanding for the organization goals and will give them the chance to see how Hefty stores operate. The IT department seems to be understaffed and under budget, as Farzad was complaining that he cannot send some IT staff because they have a lot of work to do at the head quarter, the IT department is mainly to perform the support and keep the network and the systems stable but they don’t have the ability to think strategically. In order for the IT and the business can work collaboratively to deliver the Savvy Store program  successfully the below recommendations need to be considered: 1- Hefty Hardware should invest in building a good relationship between the IT and Business department this can be achieved by conducting team building training program where both department can interact and work together. As this will build a trusting and functional environment. 2- Developing the communication skills for Hefty employees and between the different departments, which will help in implementing successful projects. 3- IT and Business managers should work together for removing any communication obstacles to have a successful communication going. (Gartenstein, 2012). By having a weekly meetings which will strengthen the communication more . 4- Interpersonal interaction between the IT and business departments should be improved in the meetings, as most of the time the business team feel that they are lost as then don’t understand the technical points, this can be achieved by train the IT team to improve their communication skills and let then have the ability to communicate with non-technical people (which is not easy) and explain to them in simple way. Visual presentation may help in explaining the technical concepts . 5- Business team should also share the organization business needs and goals with the IT team to let them understand how is the business going and what is the goals of the company. By this cooperation, the gap between the two departments will be bridged and both teams will be able to think more efficiently in finding solutions that will enhance customer experience and will implement competitive solutions. 6- Outsourcing the projects that need to be immediately implemented and do not trouble the IT department while they are overloaded and don’t have enough staff. 7- The Time management & Planning is very important for both departments, the organization should invest in having them trained in time management and planning, which will help them in doing the work efficiently and on time. 8- Do a market research for the same industry and try to implement a competitive solutions that will be a very good advantage for the organization. 9- Hiring more IT staff as the CIO is understaffed and has no ability to accept any new system development, so as to be able to work on Savvy store program. 10- The corporate should not be disconnected from the retail shops. References: McKeen, J. and Heather, S. (2011) IT Strategy – Issues and Practices. 2nd Edition. ISBN-10: 0132145669. Boston: Prentice Hall. Gartenstein, D. (2012, January). Solutions for effective communication. Retrieved from eHow Family website: Baum, J. (2011, March 18). Team building exercises in the workplace. Retrieved from Livestrong website:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Doll’s House Essay

Victorian England was marked by rapid industrial growth, resulted in changes in the society, organization and attitude of the people. It is the custom of a society to bring into play, its own rules and values, to satisfy their interests. The literary works of the Victorian Era were pictures of the contemporary society drawn by eminent writers of the time. Henrik Ibsen was one among them. The adverse aspects of the society were unraveled harshly by the author, in the play ‘Doll’s House’. Women were expected to surrender their life for the comfort of the family. This is well explicated in the play through the life of Nora, the principal female character. A thrash about maintaining their own self can be identified in the characters both male and female. The society of the era seemed to have coherent notions and concepts about masculinity and femininity. Deviation from such preconceived notions was not well accepted. Nora, the ‘doll wife’ of Torvald was confined in the comforts of her own home. She was denied the status of a wife. This was the fate of most of the woman characters of the period that appeared in the current literatures of the time. They had to struggle for the approval of the society they live in. What Ibsen wanted was to liberate woman from the conventional roles of bearer’s of children and their moral guides. The materialistic mentality of male characters of the time was revealed through Torvald,  Ã‚   an unsuccessful barrister who refused to take ‘unsavory cases’. This materialism was exhibited by his attitude towards his wife, that he considered her as an ‘asset’, not as his ‘partner’. The economic and social changes during nineteenth century made the people work for a place in the society based on money. The over powering morality is another major theme of the play. The heroic action of Nora to save her husband by forgery was a crime in the eyes of the society. Mrs. Linde betrayed her real lover and married another man only for money. All the characters of the play appear to be misleading and unreliable during their walks of life. This instability was true temperament of the period. Ibsen succeeded in gradually bringing out the real personality of the major characters of the play. Thus through a middle class family story, the author depicted the existing society and common life with power and precision. Reference Ibsen, Henrik. (1879). A Doll’s House. Capenhagen: Denmark.

John Constable

Constable, John – 1776–1837, English painter, b. Suffolk. Constable and Turner were the leading figures in English landscape painting of the 19th cent. Constable became famous for his landscapes of Suffolk, Hampstead, Salisbury, and Brighton. The son of a prosperous miller, he showed artistic talent while very young but did not devote himself to art until he was 23, when he went to London to study at the Royal Academy.Influenced by the 17th-century landscape painters Ruisdael and Claude Lorrain, his poetic approach to nature paralleled in spirit that of his contemporary, the poet Wordsworth. Constable's direct observations of nature and his free use of broken color were extraordinary in his day. He received but modest recognition in England, being tardily admitted to the Royal Academy in 1829. His work was more popular in France. In 1824, his View on the Stour (1819) and The Hay Wain (1821; National Gall. London) were exhibited at the Salon in Paris, winning gold medals . His work made a profound impression on the French romantics including the young Delacroix and Bonington. Later his painting influenced the Barbizon school and, more indirectly, the general course of French 19th-century landscape art. In the United States he is represented in the Metropolitan Museum and the Frick Collection, New York City, in the Mellon Center for British Art, New Haven, Conn. , and in the galleries of Philadelphia, Toledo, and Chicago.Splendid examples of his work are contained in the National Gallery, London and the Victoria and Albert Museum. See catalogue of the latter collection by G. Reynolds (1960); C. R. Leslie, Memoirs of the Life of John Constable (enl. ed. 1937); collections of his letters by P. Holmes (1931) and R. B. Beckett (1962); biography by B. Taylor (1973); studies by C. Peacock (rev. ed. 1972) and R. Gadney (1976). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright © 2004, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Produ cts N. V. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

DBM Business Law assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DBM Business Law assignment - Essay Example Eventually Xavier never returned to buy the youngest kitten in the litter. This created problem to Zara for sale of the kittens as she did not engaged into transaction on the youngest kitten with anybody else. In order to manage the situation, Zara should have taken a token advance from Xavier for booking the youngest kitten for him. This could have brought commitment to the transaction process and Zara would have been able to manage the business situation in a tactful manner. In the second instance, another prospective buyer named Vic spoke to Zara over the telephone on the purchase of the kittens. After obtaining the details over phone, Vic informed Zara that he would enquire about the breed before taking a decision on purchase. During the telephonic conversation, Zara should note down the telephone number of Vic for any further communication. After due enquiry, Vic wrote a letter to Zara stating that he would purchase the eldest kitten. Later on he changed his mind and in order to cancel the order, Vic sent an email to Zara cancelling his intention of purchasing the kitten. Since the e-mail did not reach Zara due to server problem, Zara should carry on talking to other customers irrespective of Vic’s decision as she did not receive any communication from Vic. In case she had not been able to sell the kitten before the letter from Vic reached her, Zara should contact Vic for further transaction and then do the needful as per Vic’ latest decision. In the third case, another prospective buyer Yvonne sent an email to Zara that the price of 300 pound sterling is a bit higher for the Burmese breed and whether a price of 200 pound sterling would be acceptable to Zara. When Zara denied the proposal, Yvonne sent another email confirming to purchase the young Burmese kitten for the stated price. Zara in this case should reply by e-mail of the details about the young Burmese breed and the terms and conditions for sale. Zara should also offer Yvonne to mee t in person and look at the breed in order to strike a transparent deal for the sale of kittens. In the fourth scenario, Walter paid the stated price of 300 pound sterling to Zara and bought the kitten from her. At the time of sale of the kitten, Zara should provide all the details about the kitten and the terms and conditions of the sale of kitten. The kitten ate up furniture in Walters’ house which caused disappointment to Walter. When he saw a veterinary doctor, he said that the Burmese kitten was of a lower quality breed and actually a cross breed. Walter complained about the habits and quality of breed and wanted a refund from Zara. Zara should reiterate the details of the breed of Burmese kitten sold to Walter and explain her limitation and degree of accountability for the habits of the kitten post sale (Miller,  Jentz and  Cross, 2008, p.353). Advice to Amy Amy lives in village where her cousin also lives with her family. Amy is very much fond of his cousin who has run errands for Amy in the past. Amy lives alone in her house. Beryl undertook outdoor tasks for Amy in order to help her. Suddenly Charlie, who is the husband of Amy, lost his job. This put Beryl’s family into financial trouble. Beryl informed Amy about the loss of job of her husband, Charlie and also explained the financial difficulties that they were facing as a result of the incident. Beryl and Charlie also have a son named David who is exceptionally brilliant and puts little effort for achieving

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Principles of Human Resource Management Assignment

Principles of Human Resource Management - Assignment Example It is very difficult to prove this as the courts have made it clear that it does not encompass issues such as avoiding an inconvenience, annoyance or expense to the employer (Dessler 25-49). These practices are cover-ups for discrimination and should not be used as defenses in a court of law. They are all forms of discrimination but employers hide in them so as to continue their discriminatory practices. Therefore they should be abolished. My take would be that only religion should be used as a discriminatory factor as some jobs do require people of a certain religion which might be very difficult for someone professing a different religion. The HR scorecard is both a measurement and an evaluation system for redefining the role of HR as a strategic partner. The scorecard is an important tool because it reinforces the difference between HR do-able and the deliverables, it enables cost control and value creation, it measures leading indicators and the lagging ones to enable improvement, it measures HR contribution to strategy implementation, it provides a chance for professionals to effectively manage their strategic responsibilities and final it is a tool that encourages flexibility and change in the organization (Haridas). The current trends in jobs are the internet jobs or work at home jobs. The reason for a move towards online jobs is first due to increased connectivity as many people can access the internet. The second reason is that most people prefer flexible schedules where they can work without the influence of the boss around them. They also can organize tasks so that it fits into their schedule so that they can work stress-free. This trend is common with the young generation employees who are techno-savvy and want peace of mind away from the boring office environment (Haridas).

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Personal Data Protection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Data Protection - Assignment Example There are indeed thousands of solutions to data security available in the technology market but still protection of personal data is very difficult. We have quite common security breaches despite having a wide assortment of technical answers such as personal firewalls, network firewalls, solutions to operating system patching, antiviruses, intrusion detection or prevention systems, anti-spyware, and security management systems. We are not yet able to protect our data because of the fact that we are not ready to take personal responsibility in protecting our data. This is because computer and network security goes beyond simple purchase of gadgets and software for data protection. Personal responsibility for the manner in which our computers are made use of and how we do take into consideration data handling processes is necessary. For us to address and ensure protection of personal data, we need to introduce institutional and behavioral changes so as to fully tackle computer security threats, reputation risks, and heightening the legislation on data security. We can only protect our personal data if we take responsibility and avoid careless practice while handling data and processes such as running accounts without passwords, a very common thing among many people (Schuste Steve, 2006, pp.140-141). If we happen to continue with this trend of not taking responsibility and thus being unable to protect our own data, then we live that to the market. However, we cannot argue that the rich will be the only people who will benefit from this move. This is because data protection is a bigger headache to the rich than it is even to the poor or average person. The richer you are, the higher the government radar is on you and the marketing radar still follows you. Huge transactions involving big funds attract attention from regulatory authorities and the taxman is on the loose to cut a good chunk from it! The vulnerability increases further because of the many interests tha t a richer person elicits from people. Cyber criminals would also want to have their cake and hence such occurrences like hacked accounts of businessmen will be on the rise. Basically, the market cannot be left to protect personal data. However, the only advantage that the rich may have could arise if they are able to take personal responsibility and add purchase of some sophisticated data protection software such as premium email services with SSL connections and encryption and security data protectors (Schuste Steve, 2006, pp.140-141). DQ2- Privacy laws: Research laws regarding privacy and data protection in your country and tell us about them. How do they compare to those in other parts of the world? The privacy law for Canada’s federal private sector is Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). This is quite comprehensive and applies to personal information of Canadian people that is collected, disclosed or used by an organization (includes a partnership, association, trade union, corporation and an individual) in carrying out any form of commercial activities, within provincial or international borders of Canada. Canada has been pushed by the European community to give enough protection for personal data. In its application, this PIPEDA law stipulates that management of personal information should be practiced and implemented in a reasonable manner.