Thursday, May 14, 2020

Factors affecting women entrepreneurs success - 1224 Words

1-1 Introduction to Operations Management Operations Management William J. Stevenson 1-2 Introduction to Operations Management Operations Management Figure 1.1 The management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services Organization Finance Operations Marketing 1-3 Introduction to Operations Management What Do Operations Managers Do? †¢ What is ‘Operations’? †¢ †¢ a function or system that transforms inputs into outputs of greater value What is a Transformation Process? a series of activities along a value chain extending from supplier to customer †¢ activities that do not add value are superfluous and should be eliminated †¢ †¢ What is Operations†¦show more content†¦neration Storage/Transportation Warehousing, trucking, mail service, moving, taxis, buses, hotels, airlines Exchange Retailing, wholesaling, banking, renting, leasing, library, loans Entertainment Films, radio and television, concerts, recording Communication Newspapers, radio and television newscasts, telephone, satellites 1-16 Introduction to Operations Management Transformation Process †¢ Physical: as in manufacturing operations †¢ Locational: as in transportation operations †¢ Exchange: as in retail operations †¢ Physiological: as in health care †¢ Psychological: as in entertainment †¢ Informational: as in communication 1-17 Introduction to Operations Management Responsibilities of Operations Management Table 1.6 Planning – – – – – – – Capacity Location Products services Make or buy Layout Projects Scheduling Controlling/Improving – – – – Inventory Quality Costs Productivity Organizing – Degree of centralization – Process selection Staffing – Hiring/laying off – Use of Overtime Directing – Incentive plans – Issuance of work orders – Job assignments 1-18 Introduction to Operations Management Key Decisions of Operations Managers †¢ What What resources/what amounts †¢ When Needed/scheduled/ordered †¢ Where Work to be done †¢ How Designed †¢ Who To do the work 1-19 Introduction to Operations Management Decision Making System Design – – – –Show MoreRelatedGlobal Entrepreneurship Monitor ( Gem )860 Words   |  4 PagesThe business environment, which the entrepreneur operates in, has varying impact on business performance (Ahmad et al 2010). 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