Saturday, February 22, 2020

Special Education Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Special Education Questions - Essay Example And so are the ones who have had a history of emotional or sexual abuse. They all tend to display inadequate social skills and hence put their acceptance in the mainstream school culture in jeopardy. The difficulties confronting children with special needs (be it physical one or psychological ones) are all the more daunting. IDEA is the country’s special education law that expands to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Though originally debated in the Congress in the 1970’s to ensure that children with special needs and disabilities have adequate opportunities to get appropriate public education, on par with children of normal ability. The recent amendments to the law were the most comprehensive, the final document of which was published last year. It sets out many key components of IDEA as well as guidelines for educational institutions in regard to providing â€Å"special education and related services to more than six million eligible children with disabilities†. The three important components of IDEA are: Discuss strategies that teachers can implement when working in general education classrooms with students with ADHD. Consider curriculum modifications, teacher behavior, organization and social skill development in your discussion. 1. Using active reading techniques- reading headings before reading chapter, skimming chapter to see what comes next, taking notes while reading, making up questions using chapter headings, practicing answering these questions while reading and reviewing major points. 4.Using the SQ4R method, Survey Question Read, Rite (write) Recite Review - surveying sections by looking over the main headings, making up questions, reading entire sections, writing answers to the questions, reciting the information out loud if possible, and finally reviewing their work. The increase in emotionally disturbed behavior among young children is both alarming in the present

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sophocles Electra Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sophocles Electra - Essay Example Chrysothemis is the youngest daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra Chrysothemis. Even though, she knows her mother is corrupt, and she understands her unjust murder of her father, she refuses to mourn the way her sister Electra does. She recognizes that she will benefit enormously by siding with those in authority. On the contrary, Electra who sticks to the doctrines of justice, Chrysothemis sides to the principle of pragmatism in a bid to satisfy and benefit on her own demands (Sophocles and Roisman 54). Electra who plays the hero has a difficult role in ensuring that the principle of fairness and honor is in play at all times. She finds it inevitable to participate in her mothers killing. Her position is increasingly evident though out the drama of the uncertainty of Electras understanding on the very levels of justice that motivate her. It is evident from the onset that Electra is right to cry for the murder of her father by her mother. Her mourning is a natural reaction to a hor rible manifestation, and she purports that even though she does not certainly decide on grief, she feels compelled, by the values of integrity, to performance as she does. Electras mourning arises from mistreatment by both Aegisthus and Clytemnestra to her, who, possibly susceptible by Electras denial to forget the past. Electra is ready to feel pain because of integrity and honesty. She lawfully longs to revenge her fathers death (Sophocles and Roisman 125). Electra soon weakens her situation in her opening meeting with Clytemnestra. Clytemnestra claims that she killed Agamemnon to apply vengeance for his sacrifice of their daughter. Electra retaliates by opposing that integrity cannot be attained by countering murder of one person with another killing. Electra represents the woman in Greek society.